They have acknowledged that there is a problem and, despite a lack of any real incidents, acknowledged that a potential risk does exist for their drivers. They have identified the fault, designed and manufactured a replacement part, listed all affected vehicles, organised extended opening hours at their dealers and engaged on every media known to man kind (bar a small sign on the moon perhaps?)
For twitterers there have been lots of news and I must say that I thought @ToyotaPR typified the candid, open and apologetic stance on the Today Programme on Radio 4.
Toyota owners/drivers will no doubt be concerned about their cars and will no doubt endure some stick from friends and colleagues but before we all lose total perspective I'd like to alert you to VOSA Vehicle Recall web page
Pick a manufacturer and enter the same affected dates as the current batch of Toyota's and then ask yourself :
"Can you remember hearing about this recall and is the manufacturer doing as much as Toyota are for its drivers?"
Toyota have a reputation for the reliability of their cars. I'd suggest that this unfortunate event should also enhance their reputation as a manufacturer that behaves reliably as well
For full details on the Toyota recall click here
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