Friday, 13 November 2009

Friday 13th - Be careful out there

It appears, looking at the accident statistics from The AA, that there might just be something in this Friday 13th being "Unlucky".

November has historically been a higher month for the number of road accidents. This is generally attributed to the deteriorating weather and darker mornings on the back of the clock changes; my commute this morning was testimony to that. However added to this is some additional analysis that shows Friday is the worst day for road accidents

The stats show that Fridays account for over 10%, or 3426 more road casualties than any other day. The caveat to that is that the majority of these incidents occur outside the normal "rush hour" times, with the majority of incidents between 2-6pm.

Whilst today adds the combination of the wrong month with the wrong day with the wrong date the real message from the AA's information tells us that we need to be taking more care and making sure we are concentrating on our Friday journeys home and not just being thankful its POETS day. I would like to advocate the same approach for Friday 20th, 27th........