With the apparent success of the new car scrappage scheme, according to media reports, this September’s new car registrations won’t be the disaster that might have been forecasted earlier in the year
When did the Current plate change come into effect?
The current bi annual registration plate change was introduced in September 2001. The idea was to remove the registration spike of the traditional August plate change. The system started in with 51 for the September change and 02 for the first March change and moves on one each year. So that September 2003 was 53 and March 2003 was 03 etc.

How is the plate made up?
The first 2 digits represent the DVLA office where the car was registered. The next two numbers relate to the plate change as described and the last three digits are random numbers
Has it worked and which is the best plate to have?
Obviously it has created 2 registration peaks but has spread the rest of the months out a bit more evenly. From a future value perspective there was some evidence that the March plate was proportionately more valuable than the September plate. However the last 12 months of used vehicle pricing fluctuation and current increase have blurred the actual benefit. Naturally it still makes sense not to take your new car in the month preceding the new registration unless the dealer makes it financially worth your while.